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This outputs the specified text string to the console window (accessed with F8 or ~ key). It can be specified as a message to certain player(s) or all players.


bool outputConsole ( string text, [ element visibleTo=getrootelement() ] )

Required Arguments

  • text: The text string that you wish to send to the console window

Optional Arguments

  • visibleTo: This specifies who the chat is visible to. Any players in this element will see the chat message. See visibility.

Note: visibleTo can also be a Team object, in this case, the text will be visible to all the players of that team.


root = getRootElement ()
addCommandHandler ( "onPlayerConsole", root, "onConsole" )
function onConsole ( message )
local command = gettok(message, 1, 32) --The varible "command" equals text a player types in the console
	if (command == "!public") then --If players typed text equals !public
		outputChatBox ( "Public console message" ) --Display console message to all players
	elseif (command == "!private") then --If players typed text equals !private
	        outputChatBox ( "Private console message", source ) --Send message to whoever entered the text !private

See Also