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هذه الوظيفة تقوم بازالة العنصر

تركيب الجملة

bool destroyElement ( element elementToDestroy )

الفراغات المطلوبة

  • elementToDestroy: العنصر الذي تريد ازالتة


مثال 1

-- Find the root element (the element that contains all others)
root = getRootElement ()
-- Destroy all its children, except players.
destroyElement ( root )

مثال 2

function destroyVehiclesOfModel(modelID)
	-- get a table of all the vehicles that exist and loop through it
	local vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle")
	for i,v in ipairs(vehicles) do
		-- if the vehicle's ID is the one provided, destroy it
		if (getElementModel(v) == modelID) then


مثال 3

function createClaymore ( x,y,z, creator )
	local claymoreObject = createObject ( 1945, x, y, z - 1, 0, 0, 90 )  -- create an object which looks like a claymore
	local claymoreCol = createColSphere ( x, y, z, 1 )                   -- create a col sphere with radius 1
	setElementData ( claymoreCol, "object", claymoreObject )             -- store the object of the claymore
	setElementData ( claymoreCol, "creatorPlayer", creator )             -- store the person who created it
	addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", claymoreCol, claymoreHit )        -- add an event handler to the colshape

function claymoreHit ( thePlayer, matchingDimension )
	-- retrieve the object associated to the claymore, and who created it
	local claymoreObject = getElementData ( source, "object" )
	local claymoreCreator = getElementData ( source, "creatorPlayer" )
	-- get the position of the claymore
	local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( source )
	createExplosion ( x,y,z, 12, claymoreCreator ) -- create an explosion, associated to the creator, of a small size at the col's position
	-- remove the event handler for the colshape
	removeEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", source, claymoreHit )
	-- destroy the claymore object, and the col shape so it doesn't trigger again.
	destroyElement ( claymoreObject )
	destroyElement ( source )

مثال 4

function allvehiclesaredoomed()
	-- get a table of all the vehicles that exist and loop through it
	vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle")
	for i,v in ipairs(vehicles) do
		-- destroy every vehicle.
--The command handler below will destroy all vehicles once
--you enter /vdoom in the chat box or vdoom in the game console.
addCommandHandler("vdoom", allvehiclesaredoomed)
--This is very useful if you use the freeroam resource and some
--heartless players start spawn spamming.
--You can also set it on a timer to have your server clear all
--vehicles ever 60 minutes, (1 hour).  Timer below:
setTimer(allvehiclesaredoomed, 3600000, 0)

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