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This function sets either a specific browser's volume, or the overall volume for browsers.


bool setBrowserVolume ( [browser webBrowser], float volume )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: browser:setVolume(...)
Variable: .volume
Counterpart: getBrowserVolume

Required Arguments

  • volume: A floating point number representing the desired volume level. Range is from 0.0 to 1.0

Optional Arguments

  • webBrowser: A browser element


--In order to render the browser on the full screen, we need to know the dimensions.
local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize()
--Let's create a new browser in remote mode.
local window = guiCreateWindow(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, "Webbrowser", false)
local browser = guiCreateBrowser(0, 0, 800, 600, false, false, false, window)
-- The event onClientBrowserCreated will be triggered, after the browser has been initialized.
-- After this event has been triggered, we will be able to load our URL
local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser(browser) -- Get the browser element from gui-browser
addEventHandler("onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, 
		-- After the browser has been initialized, we can load
		loadBrowserURL(source, "")

addCommandHandler ("volume", -- Add command named 'value'
  function (player, command, value)
    if tonumber (value) then -- checking if the value is a number
      setBrowserVolume (theBrowser, value) -- setting the volume value
    else -- if there is no value
      outputChatBox ("You must enter a value.", player)

See Also