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Revision as of 11:17, 16 July 2007 by Jbeta (talk | contribs) (Fixed syntax, minor changes)
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This function is used to call a function from another resource.

The function which you wish to call must first be exported within the resource's meta. For example:

	<info author="jbeta" type="script" description="Scoreboard resource" />
	<script src="scoreboard_client.lua" type="client"/>
	<script src="scoreboard_exports.lua" type="server"/>
	<script src="scoreboard_http.lua" type="server"/>
	<export function="getScoreboardColumns" http="true" />
	<export function="getScoreboardRows" http="true" />
	<export function="addScoreboardColumn" type="server"/>
	<export function="removeScoreboardColumn" type="server"/>
	<export function="setPlayerScoreboardForced" type="server"/>
	<export function="setScoreboardForced" type="client"/>

This enables other resources to call a function from this resource.


var... call ( resource theResource, string theFunction, [ arguments... ] )

Required Arguments

  • theResource: This is a resource pointer which refers to the resource you are calling a function from.
  • theFunction: This is a string with the name of the function which you want to call.

Optional Arguments

NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.

  • arguments: Any arguments you may want to pass to the function when it is called. Any number of arguments of can be specified, each being passed to the designated function.


Returns anything that the designated function has returned appropriately. If the function does not exist, is not exported, or the call was not successful it will return nil.


This extract shows adding of a "kills" column to the scoreboard resource. This then sets the gameShowKills variable to true, telling the rest of the script to start outputting kills.

function showKills ( option )
	if option == false then --if the option was set to false to turn it off
		--Its on, lets turn it off
		gameShowKills = false
		call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "kills")
	elseif option == true then
		--Its off, turn it on
		gameShowKills = true
		call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "kills")
		outputDebugString ( "Showing kills now..." )

See Also