Building MTASA Server on GNU Linux

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Reason(s): Debian 7 (Wheezy) is out, this release includes multiarch support. Update the Debian specific instructions to 7.

Compiling or Running on a 64 bit Linux

Additional steps for compiling or running a MTA server on 64 bit Linux:

Install 32 bit libs for your 64 bit distro

For 64 bit Debian, this is achieved with:

apt-get install ia32-libs

64 bit Troubleshooting

  • If you get a problem with such as " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.", it can be solved on 64 bit Debian Squeeze by doing this:
apt-get install lib32readline5
  • If you get a problem with such as " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", it can be solved on 64 bit Debian Squeeze by doing this:
apt-get install lib32ncursesw5
  • If you are using Cent OS and you get something like /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by this can be resolved by doing downloading the archive [here] and unpacking it with the following command:
rpm2cpio libstdc++-4.3.0-8.i386.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories

Preparing your system

In order to build the Multi Theft Auto dedicated server, you will have to set up your system with the correct libraries and tools. How these are installed depends on your distribution.

Our network module (net.dll or is distributed as a precompiled binary library. The file for GNU/Linux can be found inside the lastest Linux nightly from here. Use the from 1.4 if you are compiling from the trunk, or the from 1.3.x if you are compiling the 1.3.x branch. Be sure the read the top of MTA10_Server/version.h as it contains directions on how to compile the different build types.

[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Note: This article is only for developers who changed the server code, if you are looking for the precompiled server (for normal server owners). Go to:

Debian Linux

Includes derivative distributions such as Ubuntu.

You will need the necessary build tools, headers and libraries, which are distributed through the following Debian packages (e.g. Debian Lenny):

  • build-essential: contains the necessary tools, headers and libraries to build applications
  • automake: contains the automake tools
  • libtool: contains the libtool software required to build libraries
  • libcurl3-dev: contains the cURL library (version 3 without SSL support)
  • libpcre3-dev: contains the PCRE library (version 3)
  • libsqlite3-dev: contains the SQLite library (version 3)
  • libreadline5-dev: contains the readline library (version 5)
  • subversion: contains the SVN client used to check out our code repository
  • libncurses5-dev: contains software for controlling writing to the console screen
  • libncursesw5-dev: contains support for wide characters
  • libsparsehash-dev: contains support for Google's hash-map (So you don't have to compile sparehash!)
  • libmysqlclient-dev: contains the MySQL library

To install these packages through apt, use the apt-get install <package list> command as in the following example (execute as root):

apt-get install build-essential automake libtool libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcre3-dev
apt-get install libsqlite3-dev libreadline5-dev subversion libncurses5-dev
apt-get install libncursesw5-dev libsparsehash-dev libmysqlclient-dev

Gentoo Linux

You will need the necessary build tools, headers and libraries. Because Gentoo’s portage system is designed to compile any packages on your own system, the necessary build tools will have already been installed. This only leaves you to install the necessary libraries:

  • sqlite: contains the SQLite library
  • subversion: contains the SVN client used to check out our code repository
  • curl: contains the cURL library; to compile with SSL support, apply the net-misc/curl ssl USE flag

To compile and install these packages through emerge, use the emerge -v <package list> command. The -v option shows additional * * information and can be omitted. (If you want to use any USE flags, prepend emerge with USE="use flags here". You can also use the -pv option to verify that you’re using the correct flags.) Refer to the Gentoo Handbook or manual for more information on emerge.


emerge -v subversion sqlite
USE=“net-misc/curl ssl” emerge -v curl


You will need these packages to be able to successfully compile a MTA server on Fedora:

  • glibc-devel:
  • curl-devel: contains the cURL library
  • pcre-devel: contains the PCRE library
  • sqlite3-devel: contains the SQLite library
  • readline-devel: contains the readline library
  • lua-devel: contains the Lua libraries
  • subversion: contains the SVN client to check out the source code

To install these packages through yum, use the yum install <package list> command as in the following example (execute as root):

yum install glibc-devel curl-devel pcre-devel sqlite3-devel readline-devel lua-devel subversion

Compiling on 64-bit

The MTA:SA server currently cannot be properly compiled in 64-bit mode. Instead, you should compile it in 32-bit mode and run it using 32-bit compatibility mode (use the -m32 flag as show below). Also ensure you have cross compilers installed. On Debian this can be achieved with:

apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib

General instructions for 1.6.0

Downloading the source.

First you need to download the source.

svn checkout mtasa-blue
cd mtasa-blue

Then compile it thus:

autoreconf -fiv
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib32/pkgconfig
./configure LDFLAGS="-m32" CPPFLAGS="-m32" CFLAGS="-m32" CXXFLAGS="-m32" $@
make -C MTA10_Server install
make -C Shared/XML install

Get the like this:

wget -O multitheftauto_linux-1.6.0-latest.tar.gz
tar -xzf multitheftauto_linux-1.6.0-latest.tar.gz --transform 's:[^/]*:latest_nightly:'
mv latest_nightly/ MTA10_Server/output/
rm -rf latest_nightly multitheftauto_linux-1.6.0-latest.tar.gz

Copy config files:

cp MTA10_Server/mods/deathmatch/acl.xml MTA10_Server/output/mods/deathmatch/acl.xml
cp MTA10_Server/mods/deathmatch/mtaserver.conf MTA10_Server/output/mods/deathmatch/mtaserver.conf

Get resources:

svn export MTA10_Server/output/mods/deathmatch/resources

And the server should be ready in MTA10_Server/output


Any errors during the compilation of json-c can be solved by calling autoreconf -fi from the json-c directory.

If you’re getting any unexpected errors while compiling, please check our Bug tracker or our IRC channel

Server crashes

If your Linux server crashes, please obtain a backtrace and post a report on our Bug tracker

To obtain a backtrace:

Do you have a core dump file in the the MTA server directory?

It's usually called 'core', and usually over 100MB, and looks something like this:


If you have a core dump file in the the MTA server directory:

  • Install gdb. To install gdb on Debian, use this command:
apt-get install gdb
  • And from the MTA install directory do this command
gdb mta-server -c core
  • When gdb launches, do this command to get a module list:
i sh
  • And then this command to get a backtrace:
  • Save the output
  • (To exit gdb, use the quit command)

If you do not have a core dump file in the the MTA server directory:

  • Install gdb. To install gdb on Debian, use this command:
apt-get install gdb
  • And from the MTA server directory start the mta-server like this:
gdb mta-server -ex "set print thread-events off" --eval-command run
  • Now wait for a crash. (Ignore any weird screen output in the meantime)
  • When a crash occurs, do this command to get a module list:
i sh
  • And then this command to get a backtrace:
  • Save the output
  • (To exit gdb, use the quit command)

Server freezes

If your Linux server freezes, please obtain a backtrace with thread information and post a report on our Bug tracker

To obtain a backtrace with thread information:

  • Install gdb. To install gdb on Debian, use this command:
apt-get install gdb
  • And from the MTA server directory start the mta-server like this:
gdb mta-server -ex "set print thread-events off" --eval-command run
  • Now wait for a freeze. (Ignore any weird screen output in the meantime)
  • When a freeze occurs, press ctrl-c to start gdb
  • Then do this command to get a module list:
i sh
  • And then this command to get a backtrace:
  • And then this command to get thread information:
info threads
  • Save the output
  • (To exit gdb, use the quit command)